- Rathaus
- Leben in Wittlich
- Kultur
- Sport & Freizeit
- Soziales
- Bildung
- Kindertagesstätten
- Grundschulen
- Volkshochschule
- Makerspace
- Stadt- und Kreisergänzungsbücherei Wittlich
- Öffnungszeiten & Adresse
- Leserkonto
- Recherche & Fernleihe
- Formulare
- Bestellung Medienboxen & Klassensätze
- Online-Angebote
- Unser Haus
- Anmeldung & Ausleihe
- Kinder & Jugendliche
- Veranstaltungskalender
- Bibliothek International
- Kitas & Schulen
- Soziale & Ehrenamtliche Einrichtungen
- Recherche & Ausleihe
- Aktuelles
- Leichte Sprache
- A-Z
- Rückgabekasten
- Welcome
- Bienvenue
- Hoş Geldiniz
- Powitanie
- Добро пожаловать
- Schien, daat de hei bes
- Welcome - Bienvenue - Powitanie ...
- Anfahrt
- Kontakt
- Impressum
- Для наших співгромадян з України
- Wirtschaft und Finanzen
- Planung, Umwelt und Mobilität
- Tourismus
In Wittlich public library there are various media for school, for vocational training, for further education as well as for recreational activities.
Our offer comprises 85.000 books, magazines, news papers, language courses, music-CDs, audio books, CD-ROMs/ DVD-ROMs, console games, e-book-readers, kamishibais and games. The lending period is four weeks for books and two weeks for the other media. A one-time extension is possible.
In addition you have access to further digital media via the online library service of Rhineland-Palatinate "Onleihe Rheinland-Pfalz".
The annual fee is 28 € for people aged 18 or over. The reduced fee of 14 € applies for pupils, students, trainees, members of the volunteer social year, handicapped people (degree of disability 50% and more), recipients of social benefits as well as for release prisoners of the local juvenile detention centre.
For children and youths borrowing is free of Charge.
For registration you need your identity card or a comparable document (e.g. your passport) and a registration card in case of a deviating address.
